Westchester County Executive George Latimer, in one counter-clockwise maneuver of a lever, planted firmly into the ground at Croton Gorge Park, turned on the historic 20th century fountain. The spray of nearly 20 feet of water, shot up into the clear blue sky, as passers-by applauded and took pictures. The […]
COVID rates plummit to new statewide low
Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Tuesday, June 1 that the statewide 7-day average COVID-19 positivity rate dropped to 0.65% yesterday, a new low. “New Yorkers are continuing to beat back COVID every day and as the numbers keep going down we are able to get our economy back up and […]
County announces more homebound vaccinations
The Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services, DSPS, has announced additional availability of the COVID-19 vaccine for those who are homebound. Any homebound individual, of any age, is eligible to receive the vaccine if you live in Westchester. Caregivers for the homebound are also eligible. Since the onset […]
More than 1M digital vaccine passes issued
Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on May 23 that more than one million Excelsior Passes have been issued since New York State launched the first-in-the-nation voluntary platform in March. Excelsior Pass, which is now being utilized by venues, universities, stadiums and businesses statewide, is a free, fast and secure way to […]
Keeping the lights on in the post Indian Point era
By JOHN RAVITZ and RICHARD ELLENBOGEN Sixty years after first opening, the end has come to nuclear power generation at Indian Point. April 30 saw the shutdown of the final operating unit at the Energy Center. The moment is being celebrated as a major victory by long-time opponents, who virtually […]